
Daisypath - Personal pictureDaisypath Anniversary tickers

Monday, 31 August 2009


Books!...loads of books...modules...reviews...notes....argghh!!...definitely a new semester has begun...assignments here and there....skrg ni aku stuck kat structure...dear...satu soklan da 3 jam nak jawab....lect xajo ag...da dpt assignment...huhu...

As i look down some old notes...nope...none of it helped me to answer the last question...adoyhhh....mcm mana ni....final 50-50...mmg sengal...entahlah....bila nak ciap..aku xtaw....susah gak la sem ni...adik2 awam...be ready for ur 5 th semester....mwahahahha....
Ni baru theory structure...geotechnic , Building Management, Mathematics 3...gilak la....this is the best semester yet!(currently...)...huhuhu..(sarcasms....)

serabut otak aku nak wat ni....kalo final 5 jam mcm mana??.....hmmmm...


1 comment:

liena said...

haha. btul tuh put. theory structure nih mmg lama nak wat nya.
nnt exam 2jam sajo.
liena pon mcm tuh jgak. huhu.