Kak long..thanks sbb concern...sorry...xdpt nak jelaskan pd post yg lepas knp putri sedih...semua ttg cinta...bila fikir...kita lg bnyk menangis kerana cinta kan..bukan kerana Allah swt...ye..putri sedar ttg semua tu...tp, apa yg putri lalui cukup perit...
selama putri bercinta...xpernah kekal...sehingga la kini...bila terjalinnya satu PERJANJIAN..putri da fikir..he might be the one..he will be my husband whom will take care of me and my kids..well...hopes are left unsaid...better off that way actually...and so..i had to let him go...the reason ?? it's for me to know..and u to find out...im so tired of everything...
One thing for sure..my one and only true love shall and forever remain in my heart...my never ending love for Allah swt...yes...He tests me with all sorts of misshapen in life...still im so thankful to the Almighty God..at a very young age (21) I've been through a lot...AND I MEAN A LOT...I've learned so many things from all the 'occasions' i might say..it caught me to say..that my life was never dull...but is full of adventure...i am the main character..creating my own story with a help from FATE...interesting..Alhamdulillah...
To all the readers..thanks...though we never met, or seldom...still, u guys spend ur time reading my story..I'm not saying it's great and all...but..trust me...all the things mentioned in this blog..all the guy's i've known...all the things that happened to..are all true...thanks again guys...think of it..that my blog...is part of YOUR steps of precautions in life k...love ya..