Salam and hello to everyone...tonight is kinda lonely...everything seems quite...too quite...my head is twirling like nuts! Still...with hope n will in wanting to update this blog so much...i pushed everything i had in me to type what i wanted to say...wanna know more ...stay...hate me and pissed off? just leave...simple rules..hahahha
So...it has been quite a while since we spoken...and i dun mind a bit...regarding what happened in the past...i apologize again...it's just that im so sick and tired now...my hearts kept telling me to payback...but...mind and instinct helped a lot! Thankies!..hehehe...why waste my precious time thinking about something i my self am not sure of in the end..when i can actually be better in the future...
I smiled...and am smiling while updating this blog...why? Estas loco!... Si...estoy loco..pero...i still can diffrentiate what is good and what is bad...in terms i like to use...GOOBA!..hehehe...cute word...me likeyyy...like the word rachel's daughter said...GLEEBAH!
Owh..yeah...almost forgot...the teddy bear...up there...is actually the kind of bear that i want....to HIM...i nak yg tu gak! hahahhahhaha....siapa HIM tu?? no one...hhuhu...so, who's gonna give me that bear?!...
Although i am not quite certain regarding the future I might be in...One step at a time like JordAn said... anyway, be good! and let's make it fun !