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Wednesday, 12 January 2011

Watermark is important!


I just found out someone uploaded one of my pictures from my blog.. I know many has told me that i should put watermarks on all of my pictures.. Now i know why -_-...

So uolss too k... Who knows what these strangers might do with your pictures.. And currently mine.. To that someone.. I am thankful that you find my picture(s) is/are interesting enough to be part of your collection, still... if u ask.. its fine with me... May Allah protect us all...Wish i have a much more secure protection from strangers!

Here are some facts i found regarding to this situation.. Bear in mind as you may want to know for your future references..

Adding watermarks is an important way to protect your images from unauthorized copying and use. In fact, many designers believe that adding a watermark as a means of protection is effective only when it overlaps important image parts. This is quite logical because if you add the watermark on the side of the image, where there are no image details but only background, the watermark can easily be erased and replaced with background color or if this can't be done without a lot of hassle, then the part of the image with the watermark can be cut out and still most of your image will be usable.

This is a very unpleasant situation in those cases, when you want to use a watermark as a way to protect your image and the only solution you have is to put a watermark across the whole image so that the image details are still visible but the watermark cannot be erased unless erasing the whole image. It is a tradeoff between image protection and image usability but if you are seriously concerned about unauthorized use, this is the way to go.

However, in many cases even less severe measures are effective. For instance, when you want to add your logo as a watermark. The idea is that this way you will not put a technical but a legal barrier to unauthorized use, so you don't have to overlap important parts of the image in order to make them unusable without your permission. Or maybe you don't even need to prevent further use of your image but you'd like it to be distributed together with your copyright information. In this case adding a watermark that does not overlap important parts of the image is all you need.

No matter what kind of watermark you need - an overlapping one or not - the easiest way to add it to your image is with the help of special software, like ImageConverterPlus. Download the program and open it. If you want to add a watermark that overlaps important parts of the image, proceed straight ahead. If you want to add your logo as a sidebar, you need first to create a larger than your image transparent canvas, add the logo and then merge the two layers. In both cases you can use batch watermark adding, so in a second you can have all your images protected!

Source : http://www.imageconverterplus.com/help-center/article/watermark-overlaps-important-image-parts/

Thank You for the surprise :)

Salam everyone..

So, i was just wathcing tv with my mum.. Suddenly i heard the doorbell rang followed by a faint knock at the front door.. It was so very annoying at first as the doorbell is ranged constantly...

I rushed to the door and saw the 'courier guy' .. Hmmm??

I opened the door and he asked for..:

'"Cik Putri Salina Rais Ismail ada?"

" Ye saya, kenapa ya?"

"Here's a delivery for you, I need you to sign here..etc..etc"

A delivery for me?? After the approval.. I asked my mum if she oredered anything.. She said nothing she could think of...

To my surprise.. The package was a red box with ribbon on top.. I opened it and... IT WAS as shown in the picture:)

Still, the sender remained a mystery although i know who actually sent it.. Thanks sayang.. so sweet.. Its like something that is ordered and was sent directly to me.. Its just lovely... what touched me is the sincerity the 'sender' sent me.. Again b... Thank you :)


Blogging tips

Salam uolss...

Since i will be spending a lot of time blogging now...I would like to share sometips for all you new bloggers out there...
There are a few things to consider before you contact any blog for link exchange, a few things on which you need to think on and a few things you should avoid while exchanging links. Lets discuss them!

1. Ask Blogs With The Same / Less PR Only For Link Exchange

Most of the bloggers ask high PR and popular blogs for link exchange. Suppose your blog has a PR-0 and you try exchanging links with PR-5 blogs, do you think any such blog will accept your offer? I bet NO!

A few days back a person contacted me saying that no blog is ready for exchanging links with my PR-0 blog. I thought at least PR-0 blogs should accept his offer. Then I wondered for a moment and emailed him for sites he had contacted for link exchange. The first site was Tech Crunch, next was Mashable and the high profile blog list continued. I wondered again why those sites will exchange links? I was happy that he didn’t contact Google for link exchange! Choose a blog for link exchange wisely is all that I want to suggest.

2. Don’t Exchange Links With Adult Sites / Auto Sites

Exchanging links with such sites is like destroying our site’s search engine ranks. Links from such sites hardly add any value. Links from auto blogs or sites and adult sites may harm your site badly. They may perhaps spoil all your SEO! So always try avoiding links with such sites.

3. Avoid Exchanging Links With Blogs Not Related To Your Blog Niche

Suppose you own a technology blog and you you exchange links with sports blogs, the links swill hardly add any value to your search engine rankings and page rank. Instead Google may penalize your site for such links. So always try avoiding link exchange with unrelated sites or blogs.

4. Make Sure You Get Do Follow Links

Some sites under pretext of link exchange may give you no-follow links. So before exchanging links always make sure the links you receive are do follow because no follow links won’t give you any link juice. After link exchange always check if the link is do follow.

5. Permanent Links Are Useful, Temporary Are Useless

Permanent links are useful for a blog SEO, while temporary links are very harmful. So try exchanging links with reliable bloggers and sites so that your link stays on their blog or site for a long time and not just a few weeks or months.

CREDIT TO : http://www.bloggingjunction.com/blog-link-building-tips/