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Saturday, 19 February 2011

Long distance relationship :)

Assalam everyone... Now... It gives me a great pleasure to share with all readers about long distance relationship..I am in one.. Though its still new.. I am definitely hoping it will lasts...InsyaAllah ...

There is widely-held belief that long distance relationships do not work in general. As someone who is involved in a long distance relationship now, I would have to completely disagree. My boyfriend and I have communicated for almost 8 months. We have both agreed to give everything to this relationship in order to stay close to one another. The strongest part of our relationship is actually our communication. He and I talk about almost everything and we know where the other stands in regards to the direction of our relationship.

Being involved in a long distance relationship, causes our feelings and desire for each other to grow. This desire allows us to treasure our time together and spend it wisely. Together, we are forming a solid relationship built on communication and patience. Being in a long distance relationship also causes us to surrender our will and relationship over to Allah for His guidance and direction. We know that there are plenty of things that we cannot change. But what we can and are able to, we use to build each other up  and encourage one another to persevere. This relationship has certainly enhanced our willingness to depend on Allah.

Thirdly, distance puts our relationship to the test. Our ability to withstand the space between us determines the true value and strength of our commitment to one another and to the relationship. Some people commit to one another and over time they are no longer together. One reason for this may be that people are not willing to patiently commit themselves to one another. If two people really "dig" each other and are willing to pursue each other, then nothing can stop them from working together as a team to keep things going over the long-distance. Enduring the distance factor demonstrates that we are serious about each other and our relationships separate from our significant also other motivates us to work more diligently at our affairs in life.

When I put everything in perspective about the benefits of being in a long term relationship, I have concluded that my boyfriend and I will be together longer...InsyaAllah... If I'm focused on my work and making the money that I need to sustain myself *also will be continuing my studies* then I can go on knowing that I get to see him after all the hard work is done. There are so many more benefits to being in a long distance relationship. Mostly, the benefits of this have to do more with building character and trust in each other over time. We will know that coming together and staying together has been at the hand of Allah. What Allah joins together, no man can separate..

What are some benefits of long distance relationships that you have found? If you thought that long term relationships were too much of a hassle before, would you reconsider having one now? What are some obstacles to having a relationship with someone who lives very close to you? Is there a risk that the two of you may spend too much time together?
You decide what is best for you...happy loving guys... Toodles :)

Source : http://www.revelife.com/722794898/the-benefits-of-long-distance-relationships/
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