Wednesday, 28 July 2010
Blur.No life.
Tuesday, 27 July 2010
Sunday, 25 July 2010
Wednesday, 21 July 2010
Aku rasa macam nak putus asa
Sunday, 18 July 2010
Gaga u la la
Lady gaga...hurmm....i like her...i love her confidence...she does things she feels right...*though kinda freaky~~* Anyy..ways...i went out last night...last night me me think that...i dunno...
Friday, 16 July 2010
Sorry...kinda busy buddies(^_^)v
Okay...currently..'my' babies semua tgh tidur(pic bkn btul k..hehe...nways baby ni sgt comel) quiet... hehe...mereka sgt comel...tapi kalau mereka bangun...huhu...turun gak 1 kg dlm 2 jam...dun main2..huhu...pnjat sana ..panjat sini...well...aku xsalahkan budak2 ni...they are just kids...yg ingin tahu....
Who can i trust...LESBIAN LOVER
Trust...can defined as believing or giving high hopes to a person, that he or she is not lying about something...
Monday, 12 July 2010
No one understands me
Tuesday, 6 July 2010
Cinta itu/love is
Love is a feeling that we experience in so many different ways toward various people. Love is the ultimate expression of our divinity. Passion to our lover. Love is an emotion that hold the power to heal and strengthen the physical and emotional body.
There have been times that I have expressed deep love and have been hurt. I have never regretted showing love, however, there is a certain level of expectation that it will be reciprocated by the beloved. I have also found love to be the foundation to allow relationships and people to blossom. Just spending time in nature brings me the feeling of overwhelming love and sacredness.
Once we allow our hearts to open and reveal the full expression of love it comes with great risk. We have hopes and expectations. We want it to be reciprocated and valued. When we choose to risk our hearts, we take a chance of being hurt or rejected. If we don't risk anything, what is the alternative? Remaining numb and safe.
Love has the power to heal, and, transform. Every expression of love carries in it the seeds of possibilities. When we nurture and honor love it has the ability to lift us up and give us hope, tenderness and affection. Without love we miss out on so much.
So why do we at times reject love? When an opportunity to give or receive love presents itself why do we shut down and hide? It seems that for many of us past experiences can hinder our ability to take a chance. Fear can envelop us to the point that it doesn't seem worth it to take the risk.
I know sometimes love comes with strings attached. It can be smothering, suffocating, controlling and needy. It can carry some all consuming fears if we have been hurt, betrayed, abandoned, rejected, or violated in the past. It can leave us rejecting the very idea of it's implications.
What about self love? Can we love ourselves unconditionally? Can we accept our own flaws and expect others to love us when we cannot love ourselves? What if we are not at our ideal weight? What if we have made mistakes? Can we forgive ourselves? Will others forgive us? What if we're not exactly where we want to be in our lives? Do we still deserve to give and receive love then?
What if we didn't receive the right kind of love from our parents or family? Can another person love us any better? Can we chance experiencing love when there holds the possibility that it may suddenly leave or be taken from us? If we haven't had healthy, safe, and secure love modeled for us we might not know what it should even look or be like.
Fear holds us back, when we are not living in the present moment as the full, unhindered expression of love. It can grow when it doesn't reference the past and how it once was. It can be experienced when it doesn't project into the future as to what it will be. Will love turn out exactly like we want it to? And if it doesn't, is it still worth feeling the love now?
if we can allow ourselves to love our partners,parents and friends. If we can deeply and completely love and accept ourselves. If we can fully open our hearts to the full expression of love in all its beauty and forms, how do you think our lives will transform?