
Daisypath - Personal pictureDaisypath Anniversary tickers

Tuesday, 29 June 2010

When my world is falling apart..he came..

Sambil aku menulis entry ni..aku mendengar lagu when i look at you by miley cyrus...

Aku rindukan dia....aku sayang sangat dia...Benar kata orang..cinta itu buta...cinta ke?

Aku dah serik...Bila aku sungguh2 dalam relationship...aku ditinggalkan...

Si dia...aku mengenali dia sepertimana aku telah mengenali teman2 ku yang terdahulu...akan sama ke nasib aku? Entahlah...aku xserik lagi ke dengan apa yang selalu menimpa aku...

Si dia...jujurlah pada hatimu...adakah aku dihatimu....jangan la hatiku dipermainkan lagi...

Monday, 28 June 2010

Adakah benar kata kataku

Aku sayang dia...
Pada masa yang sama...
Aku takut perkara yang sama berulang...
Ye...Sayang...Apa yang aku katakan ..sama macam aku pernah katakan pada teman aku sebelum ini...
Tapi, hanya hatiku yang tahu..
u...apa2 yang terjadi...saya ada untuk menyokong awak...jangan risau ye awak...ramai sangat sayangkan awak...keluarga awak semua sayang awak...kawan2 awak..saya...

Dia happy

Aku tengok profile dia...dia happy..semoga dia bahagia disamping kekasih hatinya...

Aku tengok diri aku...aku juga happy...Perasaan yang lama hilang..kembali beriku semangat...love u ..

Sunday, 27 June 2010

F**k You

Somehow...im liking the song..hahaha...

such a happy life im having....

To my lovely husband.... Bila mau balik...anak da rindu da ni...

Wednesday, 16 June 2010

Life must go on

sedang ku menaip ini...air mata aku mengalir...kenapa semua ini serin menimpa aku? Banyak sangat yan berlaku dalam hidup aku sepanjang 21 tahun aku bernafas di muka bumi ini...honestly, aku dafedup dengan lelaki...mereka slalu bg harapan ..kemudian tinggalkankita...kadang2 wanita selalu menangis kerana lelaki...aku..kerana dia...hidup aku merana...

apa2 pun, aku redha...terima kasih kepada semua sahabat2 aku..aku lagi kut untuk mengharungi semua ni...

tadi azfar kol...solat subuh la tu...aku borak2...dia support aku...naji..aku kl pg td...thnks sahabat..ko bnyk tlg aku...zana pon...thanks cyg...hhehe...

Aku akan cuba lakukan yang terbaik...

Tuesday, 15 June 2010


You know who u are...like...grow up pre-teen!

Kite kwn..yes kita kwn...but FYI ! FRIENDS DON'T DO THIS!


mood: sakit hati!

Saturday, 12 June 2010

Counting days...

Just less than a week till the results of the final exam comes out...me...? I'm totally nervous...I mean REALLY! Scared to death i might say...yup...sure..i did okay...but is it good enough to pass?? Dear..I'm so terrified...may everything goes well...InsyaAllah...

This morning...around 7.50...a.m of course...he called...owh...how i miss him...it has been exactly a month since we talked...as soon as i saw his number on the screen of my phone...i find it hard to believe..only god knows how my heart yearning for his presence beside me..i miss him so very much...i cried while talking with him...i saw him hugging a very big bear..he told me he wanted to give me the bear when we meet ..i just cried and cried..i was happy with him...so happy...because of previous occurrence..our relationship had to stop..he let me go...i agreed..and how hard was it for me to actually accept the fact that we are officially through...no..obviously, he's still in my mind..i love him...that's the word..but, does he still love me? i don't know...all i know..is that i love him...and still hope that we shall be together..

Sunday, 6 June 2010


Okeyp...they(the pict above) are my final project group members...Y? Bcoz i misz them...we spent so much time together...it was definitely a very challenging experience...love ya guys:(

Wednesday, 2 June 2010

I love arab!

الآن لقد بدأت تعلم اللغة العربية... إن شاء الله... هذا الأخير سوف يحسن مرة أخرى لعدم وجود أي... لقراء بلدي بلوق... إذا كانت هناك أخطاء.. الرجاء مساعدتي :)

Tuesday, 1 June 2010

My Life of Pain.....ouch!

I remember a time, a time in a dream or of a dream life, a time when to live in a world with no strife, a time of no worries, a time of no fights. I would wait him to arrive at my castle, in his automobile, one of three fifty horses, his chariot to be. One of fine velor comfort to sit , in this courtship that was, in this day in the past, of this traveling parlor, one of dark color, a dark horse one might say in this traveling play. We would travel the towns in this fairy tale ride, eating, drinking, and watching the shows of the days' entertainers, loving this life not being a complainer. Not thinking I would be the entertainment of the days future, not thinking the past would have mattered, in this, my life of the tattered.

I look back on this life, many good times I've had with many regrets, as this first love of mine, wishing oh wishing, we could go back in time. Not regretting the times that we spent together, for I look back on them and this makes my heart glad, but still in this life I am left very sad. I wish I had them to do all over again, the times that I've had, the fun I have had, with all of my loves. I wish back then you could have been my husband, what fun we could have had, and what a great life, could have been for us, just you and me, in this land of the free. For then came the day of the breakup. The most tragic and terrible breakup of my life, my first, as what could have been for you and in my heart I know that that's true. For this my heart aches, a terrible pain, one that can only be, is only, my shame.

So now we all share, so more you will make, until the end, your ruling fate. And would this have made me happy, to bring back my family I have longed to see? You know that that would, that is why you could not, because this is with you that you think I have fought. And well I have, for abuse you seek, and where in the hell are all my front teeth? And fight you I will till my dying day, for your values I hate... as my owners to be.

For my true happiness, nor my money to be, could ever bestow the hurt, you have put on me. And all of this time I say it be them that I hate, I can only wonder why their hate for me, has been so great? I Know I have all of this blame for him, for me, for this family tree, for this family name. But I ask again, What have I done to them, What have I done wrong? What have I ever gotten but pain, suffering and torment, heartache and misery, enough to drive me insane....