
Daisypath - Personal pictureDaisypath Anniversary tickers

Wednesday, 28 October 2009

Life as it seems

I was just sitting around then i heard a loud bang outside...
I woke up...fooh...it was just a dream...i suddenly miss everything around me in the past...everyone was happy with no worries...we laughed together...we cry together...we felt safe with one another...
As time passes by...everything has changed...everything seemed so different..i used to have a friend whom i adored and respect...but now...?
I used to be happy with my friends...but now?
I had to not be myself whenever im with that person...why? Because i am hurt because of her....
Where is the happiness that we felt 2 years ago....where is the laughter we heard just a year ago? Where are my friends whom i love 2 months ago? Everything is dead and gone..
Still, i know..nothing can stop me to be me...I am me...and no one can be me...enough of taking care of other people's feelings...i have feelings too....
everyone is not perfect...not everything ends with a happy ending...and nothing is...death shall apart the life and times of a human...

Tuesday, 27 October 2009

POLI DUNGUN! JPK wonders..

Makan meehoon goreng for breakfast...with the most beautiful view...
we were on our way to the top of the rock..hehehe...mashur pesal?

Forum..sesi soal jawab antara JPK PSIS N PSMZA

Adikku Bagos..ahh..majok gak!

The Sweetest Memory...love u guys!

Kenangan kat dungun memang best..ahli2 jpk sana baik2 belaka...adik2 ku juga sgt bagus...friendly dgn org luar...im proud of u guys...dunno what to type...just too excited too upload loads of memories...check it out!

Thursday, 22 October 2009

My new best friend! Im lovin it!...

Freaked out...psyched...dorky...now..

I am currently a cuckoo bird who just escaped from PSIS..hahaha....assignments are tottaly my new best friend now...ain't that sweet (owh...liar ..liar..pants on fire!) ....huhu.....wish i could be away...just a while to ease up a little...

Stressed out? OF COURSE!... Danggg....

Wednesday, 21 October 2009

Sahabat...sahabat...sayang korang!



Sahabat..tanpa sahabat..hidup kita sunyi...sangat sunyi...sahabat merupakan insan yang sentiasa berada disisi bila diperlukan..tidak kira susah mahupun senang...thanks you guys..for all the support...kita sama-sama berjaya k sahabat!!
...Im thankful for having the chance to know you guys...hope our love last and never dies....

Tuesday, 13 October 2009

Goobly! Hahahaha...it just popped out...

Salam and hello to everyone...tonight is kinda lonely...everything seems quite...too quite...my head is twirling like nuts! Still...with hope n will in wanting to update this blog so much...i pushed everything i had in me to type what i wanted to say...wanna know more ...stay...hate me and pissed off? just leave...simple rules..hahahha

So...it has been quite a while since we spoken...and i dun mind a bit...regarding what happened in the past...i apologize again...it's just that im so sick and tired now...my hearts kept telling me to payback...but...mind and instinct helped a lot! Thankies!..hehehe...why waste my precious time thinking about something i my self am not sure of in the end..when i can actually be better in the future...

I smiled...and am smiling while updating this blog...why? Estas loco!... Si...estoy loco..pero...i still can diffrentiate what is good and what is bad...in terms i like to use...GOOBA!..hehehe...cute word...me likeyyy...like the word rachel's daughter said...GLEEBAH!

Owh..yeah...almost forgot...the teddy bear...up there...is actually the kind of bear that i want....to HIM...i nak yg tu gak! hahahhahhaha....siapa HIM tu?? no one...hhuhu...so, who's gonna give me that bear?!...

Although i am not quite certain regarding the future I might be in...One step at a time like JordAn said... anyway, be good! and let's make it fun !


Monday, 12 October 2009

Lepak kat umah baru Pika!...besh!

Ni umah bru Pika..cntik kan... sweet gtu!

Kami lah yang berada di tanjung karang tu! heheheh

Hehehehe...pika kat belakang...ngee

Weekend baru2 ni...aku n syud g ikot pika kat umah bru dia...besh gila...cantik plak umah bru pika(ngan family_).hehehe...dlu aku , wani syud dtg...xciap penuh ag...stil renovating ag..but now...cantik sesangat..hehehe....kat umah pika ...masing2 dok masak je..hehehe...bosan...xwat pape...family pika xblek ag time tu...hehehe....seronok bercerita....seronok kemas2...seronok masak2...seronok dpt bersama dgn kawan...aku terfikir...pas kuar poli, mesti jarang sgt jumpa...mesti rindu saat-saat bersama sahabat2...sedih pulak....k...wani xcaye kita org masak..meh ..ada bukti...hehehe...tapi wajah xtnjuk la...kat umah la katakan...

Ni la lauk kami malam tu..beshhh

Kami masak waniiii...pasni ajak ain tlg wat tomyam

Sambal Syud n Pika masak...sedap...ngee

Thats alll...


Friday, 9 October 2009

Bingai... a new word..ngee... :p

Im sick and tired... I don't care anymore...im only human...
Kak Long!! U know her...huhuhu.... Penat kan kak...penat....
So long and goodbye....u wanted it this way..akan ku tunaikan...all i know i want to pass all papers this semester like everyone else...maleh...
Try being in my shoes..then u will know how i feel
Ok...i will follow my steps! My way...

Wednesday, 7 October 2009

Can I like....CRY???

Aku pandang sekeliling...semuanya rasa macam da berubah....entahlah....aku mengeluh..ye aku mengeluh sebab aku xsuka dengan apa yang sedang berlaku sekarang ni...aku ada ego..dia ada ego..dia ada ego..kamu ada ego..awak ada ego..kau ada ego..semua ada ego...20 tahun aku hidup di muka bumi ini....

lebih kurang 17 tahun aku hidup dalam berkawan....

15 tahun melalui hidup sebenar...dan

10 tahun dalam persahabatan...macam-macam yang da aku lalui...tapi...ujian kali ni betul2 membuat aku terasa putus asa...tapi, nasihat dari seorang sahabat telah membantu aku untuk buang perasaan dendam, marah jauh2...entahlah..kadang2 aku rasa asyik aku aje yang jaga hati orang..aku biar je org pijak aku..aku biar aje orang b****kan aku...sedih..memang sdih..sebab dari skolah benda macam ni jadi....penat sgt..penat sangat!!!

Berikut adalah luahan hati aku tanpa berfikir...(geram sgt!)

Nak tegur aku bila perlu, nak senyum kat aku bila ada mood, nak berkawan dengan aku bila ada masalah...macam tu ke konsep kawan??

Hidup2...aku dengan masalah aku....course aku yg cam gila....assignment belambak....kelas memanjang(ganti lagi)...tests and quizes like a heavy rain!...PENAT SANGAT TAHU X??!!...

Kalu rasa xnak mcm dulu, xpe aku xkisah...tapi jgn uji aku mcm ni..aku ni manusia biasa mcm ko gak...bila marah xnak tegur aku...bila happy2 suka2 je...bebaik tetiba...pelik aku sebenarnya...dan aku dah xtahan...kalau kau nak macam tu...aku boleh jadi mcam tu...ko xckp dengan aku..xkisah...aku ley jdi bisu dpn ko kalau nak...itu yg ko suka kan?..aku diam je ah...sebab aku da penat (da bape kali ulang?)huhu...

Gilak la...ni memang luahan xpuas haty ni...setiap malam aku nanges pikirkan ttg keadaan..tapi bila difikirkan balik..aku confirm ko xpenah pk pasal aku pun...ko ilek je..sedangkan aku yg sedaya upaya xnak keadaan makin tegang...U STARTED IT FIRST...AND I SHALL FOLLOW UR "STORY"...U WANTED THIS WAY...I MADE IT THAT WAY K....
